\documentclass[11pt,indents]{homework} \usepackage{fullpage} \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} \usepackage{graphics} \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.jpg,.pdf,.png,.eps} \graphicspath{{images/}} % sample commands we might want for a homework class: % - \date (due date for homework) % - \course (class you did the work for) % - \assignment (name of this assignment) % - \makeheader (uses the above info to put header in upper left) \title{Take Home Questions 2} \author{Ian Langworth} \begin{document} \maketitle \question{The goal of the study} The goal of {\em Olfactory analogue to directional hearing} was to investigate the hypothesis that taste, like hearing, is directional. The evidence to support this theory is that many of our senses are symmetrical and provide the awareness of direction via discrepancies timings or strength. For example, we can determine where on our tongue we are experiencing a taste -- a feature of our bodies that is analogous to directional hearing. \subquestion{Explain figure 1} \subquestion{Which are the questions the author seeks to answer?} \subquestion{What is the hypothesis (or are there hypotheses?)} \question{Variables that are operationally defined in figures 2 and 3} \question{The procedure used to obtain the data of figure 4} \newquestion \subquestion{Figure 5} \subquestion{Figure 6} \question{The hypothesis tested in figure 7} \subquestion{Results of the test} \end{document}